Learning what it meant to truly love myself, see my worthiness and have compassion for myself, changed my entire world. It allowed me to be fully myself, have confidence, step out of my comfort zone, maintain boundaries, invite divine relationships into my life and to dive into the energies of pleasure, abundance and joy, instead of living in a world created through the lens of my own self doubt, insecurities and anxiousness.  I wish  for you to love your life also. – Janet Gracey

Are you tired of feeling disconnected from the pleasures of life?

Do you wish to live a life of joy instead of survival?

Are you sick of your self-critical thoughts and feeling not good enough?

Do you fear that you have to settle for less than what you truly desire?

Do you compare yourself to other women and wish you could be more like them?

Are you feeling overwhelmed, flat or like you’ve forgotten who you really are?

Would you love to unlock your feminine magnetism to attract love, abundance or success with more ease and grace?

Would you like to truly master relationships and call in aligned, divine connections?

Do you want to feel confident, worthy and enough in the skin that you are in?

Do you feel like never quite works out for you? You never seem to manifest the life that you want?

My beautiful sis, if you resonated with any of these, I see you and you’ve come to the right place.  I will help, guide, support & hold space for you to awaken your own inner divinity, reclaim your sovereignty, step into your power, ease of life, abundance & flow of your own inner Goddess.

Go Live Sunday 14th August 

I know what it’s like to struggle to love and accept who you are.

To sabotage even the good things that come into your life, because you don’t feel worthy of having them.

To hold yourself back from your wildest dreams because you have no concept of what they even are.

To self medicate and run from life rather than face self.

To know there is more potential inside of you, but not knowing how to access it.

To feel like all the “good things” happen to other people.

To see life as survival, hardship and mediocrity.

I used to have a good-on-paper life, but I was lost and insecure on the inside. I worried how others perceived me, I felt like I couldn’t socialise without getting drunk, I got used to that ‘hole’ I felt inside me and believed it to be normal, I compared myself to others, I held myself back and/or sabotaged things for myself , and I dishonoured my body in many different ways.

And no matter what I achieved, it never felt like enough.

One day, I’d had ‘enough’ and committed to an inner journey of self -discovery, self- understanding & self -analysis, that  led me down the path of divine, profound, life changing self love.

Over the course of the last 8 years I have cultivated my own sense of self love, worth and confidence. I’ve literally honed it as a skill, utilising energy work, psychology, mindset methods and coupled this with the knowing of the sovereign self, to manifest, live & embody the life I never even could have dreamed those years back. I’d love to show you this sovereignty and love within yourself that has always been there, it’s just been hidden behind a lot of other stuff.

 How would it feel to……….

Wake up feeling worthy & beautiful enough?

Feel so confident in your own being that no ones opinion can affect that?

Embody the the woman you were born to actually be?

Create pleasure, abundance & joy in your life with ease & flow?

Stop people pleasing & instead honour your own wants & needs?

Heal your womb of trauma & imprints that block your abundance?

Step into your own authenticity, magic & authority?

Have the confidence to pursue your dream job, light up a room & speak your truth?

Manifest relationships that are balanced, giving & in alignment with your soul?

Create your life of your dreams because you feel worthy?

Do you want to awaken that Goddess inside? Are you ready?

I truly believe that we are each worthy, whole & enough as we are, the issue is that most people have forgotten, and as such, have amnesia to the inner Goddess, the power, abundance and worthiness that is their birth right. My mission is to help as many of you as possible to remember.

Are you ready to put yourself first?

Are you ready to truly embody that inner Goddess?

Are you ready to clear old energy fields & create the life you want?

Are your ready for delicious connections?

Are you ready to remove old paradigms & consciously align with your highest timeline?

Are you ready to make the change?

You are a powerful being, let me help you remember.

You already have everything you need, you just need to master uncovering it.

This container isn’t about bubble baths & selfies, it’s an energetically life altering remembrance of the Goddess within.

Within this container you will…..

Connect with your own inner Goddess, the Sovereignty within.

Learn how to master energy and manipulate your own life through embodying energetic states.

Identify, disempower, disable and re train any negative mindsets, blockages & self sabotage.

Embody transformation through working through the energies of the mind, body & soul.

Step into your own authenticity & how to hold unwavering confidence.

Have clarity on your uniqueness, your gifts, your pleasure & your dreams so you can manifest a delicious life.

Alchemize, old wounds, mindsets, stories & beliefs into life lessons, growth, for a higher understanding.

Identify, call in, hold and maintain soul aligned, deeply pleasurable & joyful relationships.

Tap into your feminine essence to create flow, abundance & ease into your life in a magical way.

Container Content

This is an 8 week container that includes…..

8 x weekly video training modules

8 x weekly group calls

1 x Group Timeline Healing session

1 x Group Quantum Jumping session

8 X weekly workbooks including self discovery questions /activities / meditations / energy work & so much more.

8 X weekly bespoke Reiki Sessions

8 X mid week ‘check ins’ with journal prompts, motivation & exercises.

Unlimited 1:1  access to me, your coach & guide via messaging service over the 8 weeks.

We will utilize the following techniques…..



Conscious Coaching





Energy Work

Mindset Mastery Techniques

Self Enquiry tactics

Universal Laws / Hermetic Principles

Spiritual Understanding

Week 1: I AM ME

You will delve into the energies of  self acceptance  & learn the secrets of profound self love,  through reviewing your ‘story’ to date, & gaining a deep understanding of your current self. This week you will connect with your soul ‘The Goddess within’ and begin to remember who you really are. You will discover the secret of finally ‘feeling enough’ and worthy by finding & embracing your uniqueness & own personal energetic imprint.

By the end of this week you will have a totally fresh understanding of how to love & deeply accept yourself, just as you are & begin the transformation of re-wiring, re-working and remembering the magic that you always where.


This week you will learn, how to become your own best friend for life, how to tap into your own uniqueness so that no one can compete with you & discover the secret to unlocking your gifts, strengths & positive traits. This week awakens you to the gift that is you. It unlocks the codes to worthiness, over coming comparison, perfectionism, & self confidence.

This week you will become clear on what it is that makes YOU magnificent, what makes YOU unique. It will teach you how to move in life to the call of your own soul, make conscious decisions and begin to reframe your perspective & mindset around how you view yourself.


This week you will tap into the life that you want by first understanding what it is you REALLY want. Allowing yourself to dream without limitations you  will be transported into the inner desires of your soul and shown how to recognise this calling. This week you will saturate in the remembrance that you have the power to create anything in life that you like & you are WORTHY to do so. This is a delicious week of energy exploration, imagination, alignment and feeling amazing.

By the end of this week  you know exactly what it is you want for yourself, from life, from others & so on and more importantly, you will know the why. 


This week is an exploration of the Divine Goddess Within, the creative energy that lives in each one of us. I will teach you the magic of energy awareness, pleasure & how to align with, hold and embody, a  desired energetic state. This week is packed with practical advise, embodiment exercises & energy awareness to help you awake that Goddess within and feel into the energetic state of receiving with ease.

By the end of this week you will consciously begin to embody new energetic states that will in turn, begin to change your outside world. You will learn the power of pleasure & how to hold & maintain that frequency. 


This week uncover anything that will sabotage or hold you back from embodying a new sense of yourself. We will reveal your deepest fears, your most dominant thoughts & beliefs and gently allow them to come to the surface to be seen, loved, integrated & transmuted so that they no longer block your life. This is a profound week of inner shadow work & lovingly embracing the fullness of yourself .

This week not only shows you the parts of you that hold you back the most, it gives you the gift of transmutation and overcoming. Once this week is completed you can use this in any other area of your life, for the rest of your life as a quick and effective method to creating profound change in your life. 


This week will show you the art of  calling in aligned, divine, delicious connections & how to use all interactions with others to your own advantage. We will look at tools, techniques & practices to help you feel confident in holding & honouring your personal truth, defining your needs and wants from others & how to truly call in the connections that you want.

This week shows you effective ways to manifest the relationships that you truly desire, by honouring your own personal boundaries & speak your truth without comprise, knowing what it is you want and knowing how to use others as a divine reflection of self. 


This week is all about mastering your energy at a mind, body & soul level, to really create immediate and effective change in your life. We will utilize various methods and techniques to really understand and the begin to manipulate the energy around you in a powerful way. Seeing this sense of your own power, creative abilities & manifesting prowess, awakens that inner Goddess, so she can reclaim her own authority.

By the end of this week you will understand the quantum field, the creative energies in your life and ultimately self mastery over that. This week in its own right could be an entire programme & it holds profound lessons & self mastery that you can carry throughout the rest of your life.


This week we begin to truly  love the divine temple that carries our soul. It’s a week of true self care & honouring this body, & learning to love all facets of yourself. This week teaches the importance of boundaries, self care & we will tap into the essence of the inner child within you, allowing her magic, innocence & power to be seen & heard & healing any wounding she may have carried. 

This week will help you tap into the divine essence of the inner child within, it will heal & transmute any energies that are holding you back and it will align you with the highest energy of true self care and the magic held within that. 


Our final week will tap into the essence of the Divine Feminine Energy. As women our sacred power is held within our own feminine portals, this week we will clear any energetic imprints in these portals so that you can rise like the Goddess you are. This is a delicious week of  healing any programming, wounding or conditioning that has pushed down this Goddess within. 

Our final week is a culmination of the previous 7 weeks. Putting together all of the pieces of your own puzzle, reflecting on the changes already occurring in your life and learning the art of opening up your feminine energy so that you can receive with ease and grace. It will assist you in clearing any conditioned programming that keeps you from ABUNDANCE, JOY, PLEASURE a and a life of EASE & retrieves soul loss over the course of the soul journey. 

Schedule a Discovery Call

If you would you like to chat with me about this container, if  you have any questions, or simply if you would like to ensure that this is the right fit for you, I’d love to chat. Click on the button below to contact me on watchmeshine@janetgracey.com (I respond to all mails within 24 hours, please check your spam folder)

Sign up and Payment Plans 

Total Exchange for 8 weeks: £888*

If you book before the 31st July, 2022, you will also receive a complimentary1 hour Akashic Records Reading which will explore your personal soul blueprint and open up your consciousness and awareness to the depths of your own soul. 

Payment plan options*:

*All payments are accepted via paypal, cashapp, or bank transfer. You will be sent the payment information separately when requested. First payment to be received prior to the container start date (14th August) and refunds are only issued  up to 3 days prior to the container start date (11th August).

Option 1:

Pay in full: £888

Option 2:

Pay over 2 months: £444 pm

Option 3:

Pay over 3 months: £296pm

By the end of this program, you will…

• Actually have stepped into your radiant, confident and magnetic Goddess self

• Know the exact tools to transform your mindset and energetic state to thrive in your life

• Have learned practices to connect to and love your body

• Have learned how to bring in self-care and pleasure practices into your life to feel overflowing in energy

• Cleared energetic imprints that have kept you in survival and self sabotage.

• Held & learnt to love the inner child & any associated shadow aspects of self.

• Know what it means to feel, be, & see your own worthiness.

• Learnt how to navigate and call in the relationships that you truly desire in your