Fully Fearless Freedom is a comprehensive 6 month container designed to help you merge with your truest essence, know who you REALLY are, HEAL your wounds of the past  & CONSCIOUSLY MASTER your life..

“I wanted to deliver a container  that really encapsulated all of the self discovery  & esoteric knowledge I have gained over the last 10 years, so, I created Fully Fearless Freedom. A safe, conscious container, that will propel you into looking at your life completely differently. I believe we have ‘True Self’, what some may call the ‘higher self’ and then we have the ‘False Self’, which is really just all of the identities, behaviours, beliefs and limitations that we subconsciously learnt from over our life time, but are not who we ‘really are’ & it leaves us in loops of repeating the same patterns, doing the same things, feeling like there is ‘more’ to life,  & constantly trying to find  our inner peace. Fully Fearless Freedom helps you strip back the false self back and begin to merge deeper into your higher self. I created this container in a way that will gently, gradually, & consciously begin to not only know your own wounds & blockages, how to overcome them & align with the things you truly want through deep self mastery.” – Janet Gracey

CONTAINER ‘GO LIVE’ 4th January 2025
Registration Now Open
Exchange: £1,400*

* Payment plans also available: Including 3 x £467 or 6 x £234

This container is for…
  • Anyone who feels they have lost the essence of themselves & want to regain clarity.
  • Those who know there is more to life and need guidance and direction on how to access it.
  • Anyone who wants to overcome repeating patterns in their life, & dismantle them at the root.
  • Those with a deep desire to heal from the past and overcome blockages.
  • Healers who want to deepen their own understanding of self & share  with clients.
  • Anyone who is feeling stagnated, fearful or unsure about the future.
  • Those who are seeking a deeper understanding of their life & how to consciously master it.
  • Anyone who is tired of living in survival and are ready to open up to joy and ease.

You can expect to embody from this container…..

  • To know where your life is out of alignment and how to create balance.
  • To know exactly what  your unique essence craves & desires from this life experience.
  • To know how to identify, & transmute any beliefs or self sabotaging behaviours that have held you back.
  • To heal from life experiences that have kept you in unconscious patterns and lower emotional states.
  • To tap into your inner child for deep healing and inspiration.
  • To begin to move out of survival mode into one alignment and flow.
  • To embody and hold the new understanding of self with ease and joy.
  • To deepen your understanding of consciousness, energy & this life experience.
  • To deeply heal on a multi-level basis of mind, body and soul


 Below is snippets from previous students on this course 

For full testimonial transcripts, click here.

Sandra T (UK)

” (I haven’t left my) house at all for the last 3 years…..Much of what I want to say about how much Janet has helped me, I feel I don’t even have the words for, she has really changed my life. 3 weeks ago I left my house for the first time to go for a short walk and stayed out for 4 hours. When I came home, I cried so much just knowing that I had finally conquered this, it’s all just felt like a massive relief”.

Tim W: (UK)

(I) feel like a totally different person because of it (the course), like someone who totally transformed in such a short space of time. This course literally changed my entire life.”

Hannah C (UK)

“I have done many self-development courses, spiritual courses & previously had years of counselling, and what you have taught me in these past few weeks has been completely transformational beyond anything I have learned before”.

Brenda N (USA)

“Because of this course I have learned how to have FULLY FEARLESS FREEDOM from the bonds, lies, fears and conditioning within my own mind. I learned so much, I accomplished so much.”

Seanin (USA)

“Janet what can I say other than you have been one of the brightest lights and the greatest blessings into my life. You’ve helped me piece together all of the confusion that I’ve felt inside for so many years…”

Bi- Weekly modules include….

Module 1 will open this container into profound SELF ACCEPTANCE of your current self, embracing & accepting where you are now knowing, defining your current state and using this as a platform to propel you into the new you.

Module 2, will navigate FLOWING WITH LIFE, we will strip down what personal awareness & consciousness are, how to utilize perception, timelines, energy states & finding your human design to maximise your overall life experience.

In Module 3, we begin taking the steps towards your NEW LIFE   by connecting with what it is you really want without limitations, unpacking what life satisfaction means to you, learning the power of acceptance & embodying current self, whilst consciously focusing your energy towards your personal goals for the future.

For Module 4, you will begin to answer one of the questions asked most by humans, WHO AM I REALLY?  You will learn to identify if it’s your ego, or your soul talking, understand your conditioning, expose your dominant beliefs about self, define what it is you truly value.

Module 5 will HEAL YOUR TIMELINE using a compliment of meditation, energy work, psychology & self-enquiry techniques you will review your personal story, whilst looking at themes & cycles in your life, to help identify, heal and reconstruct a new timeline for yourself, free from the familiar past.

In Module 6, we will delve into SHADOW WORK where you will explore, hold, love and embrace the deeper aspects of self that we so often push aside, stuff down, or just simply refuse to see. You will be shown how to identify the shadow self, the conscious art of self-healing, and how to embrace and work with your own potent, untapped potential.

In Module 7, we will look into your CORE BLOCKAGES and those things that have been holding you in patterns, stagnation & never feeling like you truly achieve what you want. Together we will dismantle and transmute old redundant feelings, triggers, beliefs and experiences that have kept you playing small.

Module  8, will have us connect to your INNER CHILD so that you can love, re-parent and hold that part of yourself. In addition you will remember the joy of that inner child, the sense of ‘life ahead’ & potential. This will be a week of remembering the joy of you.

By Module 9, you learn how to STABILISE YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM, which will profoundly help you overcome anxiety and the conditioned response that is triggered within your body from past trauma and experiences. We will utilise various techniques including somatic healing, vagus nerve stimulation &  self soothing strategies, that you can see in your daily life. 

In Module 10, you will be ready delve into MASTERING MANIFESTING whereby you will be shown how to manifest quickly through the energetic awareness of the mind, body, soul connection.  Identify the blockages to your own manifesting, and understand in an easy, tangible way how to overcome any obstacles, begin to master your mind, and align with the energy of the life that you seek.

For Module 11 you will begin to INTEGRATE & EMBODY  the highest version of yourself teaching you the art of conscious decision making, alignment & self-empowerment. You will also be shown the most valuable lesson, “how to become the observer”.

The final week 12, is embodying the NEW YOU are reviewing the past 49 days in this container together, knowing that change has now enveloped your life as you have been touched by the presence of your own willingness for self-understanding & discovery. This week will be the ‘wrap up’ , teaching you how to fully embrace the new, as your life changes with momentum, clarity & stability.

The course includes…

  • 12 x recorded masterclasses, (one for each module topic – with one topic every two weeks)
  • 12 x 30 minute 1:1 Zoom session with Janet to ask questions, gain clarity
  • 12 bespoke energy clearing & activation sessions (Including; meditations, somatic practices, NLP, Reiki, Timeline Healing Therapy, Inner child work and much more)

The Fully Fearless Freedom container is a life changing dive into the deepest parts of yourself.  Over the next 6 months join me & other like-minded souls, as I guide, encourage and hold space for you to truly discover who you are, what is really holding you back, how to effectively heal your own life and to begin to align and manifest with the life of your deepest desires. Are you really ready to change?

FULLY FEARLESS FREEDOM is a bespoke container for you to ‘find yourself’. It will help you saturate into the Divine Magic that you are, work with & understand your own energy, identify & slay your fears & self-sabotaging beliefs, whilst still teaching you the power of your own internal creative mode, how to access that, truly identify what it is you want & how to quickly manifest the life that you truly want.