Accessing the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records, which is derived from the Sanskrit word “Akasha”, meaning ‘space/ether’, can best be described as a multi-dimensional  library , beyond space & time, that contains all knowledge, experiences, & events of every soul, throughout every lifetime. In essence, its a dimensional plane of existence whereby when accessed, can serve as a powerful tool for spiritual growth, self awareness, understanding your souls path &  aligning you with your highest potential & healing, because, in essence, it contains all the answers. 

Its like a secret book of life that provides the ‘cheat code’ for your own life’s experience. And best of all, everyone has the potential to access this realm.

Masterclass Training Dates

This is a 2 part Masterclass (8 hours of live teaching):

Saturday 2nd Nov, 2024

From 2-6pm GMT*

Saturday 9h Nov, 2024

From 2-6pm GMT*

*Please adjust to your local timezone.

Exchange: £200*

*4 interest free installments of £50 available with Clearpay

Book Your Spot

What can the Akash help with?

1. Self-Discovery: You can gain a deeper understanding of your life purpose, strengths, and challenges, which help lead you towards personal growth.
2. Healing: The records can reveal past traumas or patterns that may be affecting your current life,  getting to the root cause to allow for deeply transformational emotional and spiritual healing.
3. Guidance: The records can offer guidance, clarity & assistance with  decision-making, relationships, career path etc by providing clarity and insight into specific situations as well as helping you build a deeper bond & relationship with your guides & spirit team.
4. Understanding Relationships: The records can shed light on the dynamics of personal relationships, including karmic connections and lessons to be learned & show you ways in which to align closer to your soul family.
5. Past Life Insights & Clearing:  The  records contain information about all our incarnations in this universe & when  the ‘past/ simultaneous timelines are accessed it can help  understand the soul’s journey, lessons, skills , blockages etc  from previous incarnations.
6. Future Potential: While the records are primarily focused on past and present, they can also provide insights into future possibilities based on current choices and paths.
7. Intuitive Development: Engaging with the records can enhance one’s intuitive abilities and connection to higher consciousness, because in essence, you become more familiar with these higher realms of dimension.
8. Spiritual Growth Accessing the Akashic Records can deepen one’s spiritual practice and connection to the universe, fostering a sense of unity and purpose through a sense of deep self awareness and understanding.
Overall, the experience of accessing the Akashic Records can be transformative, offering profound insights and facilitating personal and spiritual development.
  • Your soul/life purpose/direction (What is my soul purpose? How can I align onto my highest path, etc)
  • Any ‘why’ questions you may have. (Why is this person in my life, Why did this happen to me? etc)
  • To uncover and heal blockages on your life’s path (What is my blockages to money?, Why can’t I manifest love? etc)
  • Connecting to past lives. (What from my past life remains unresolved? Do I have a connection to the roman era? etc.)
  • Aid in decision making and direction. (what do I need to know now, What path should I choose etc)
  • Deep soul healing and transformation. (How can I better access my higher self? What is blocking my spiritual journey? What karmic lessons am I moving through? etc)
  • Connect with your guides and spirit team. (Who has come in to assist me? What messages do my guides have for me right now? etc)

In essence you can ask the Akash anything that you like and receive an answer………

Who this class is for…
  • Healers who would like to add to their spiritual toolkit to further serve self & others.
  • Anyone who is on a deep journey of self discovery & is ready to saturate into higher dimensions
  • Those who want to heal & take a leap into a new timeline.
  • Anyone who is craving clarity, direction & guidance on their path.
  • Those who want to deepen their connection to their guides & spirit team.
  • Anyone who is ready to access deeper aspects of their own intuitive abilities.
This masterclass teaches…

The theory of the Akash & how to access this dimension

Preparing self physically, mentally & spiritually to enter the Akashic Field.

Understanding & activating your intuitive channels and sacred heart space.

Showing you how to pinpoint the root causes of your limiting beliefs.

How to utilise this space to bring your life into alignment.

Accessing & understanding your spiritual gifts.

Connecting with your guides and spirit team.

Understanding quantum & timeline healing.

Delving into karma, past lives, ancestral patterns & deep healing.

Guided overview on soul retrieval.

Learning the conscious art of self interpretation of the messages.

Knowing what questions to ask & how.

Learning how to integrate knowledge/healing that was initiated in the Akashic Records.

How this masterclass works…

This is a 2 session masterclass, conducted via zoom, that lasts for 4 hours each session (8 hours of live training in total). During the class you will be taken through the theoretical understanding of the Akash & then we will spend time together in meditation whereby you will be guided through a live journeys & begin to saturate into the practical work.

As this is a live training class, you can ask any questions you like within the sacred space we create together, although if you chose to remain silent, this is also fine. All sessions are also recorded and will be sent to everyone via e-mail the day after conducted.

Once the masterclass is booked, you will be sent an email from with the links for our live classes and some useful information for the sessions. On Friday 1st November, you will be sent the training manual to your e-mail account. On Sunday 10th November, you will be sent your certificate, also to your e-mail.

Join us, & journey into your own records, your own souls wisdom……


Do I need any ‘special gifts’ to do this Masterclass?

You are the gift! The Akashic Records can be accessed by anyone, so the only thing you ‘need’ is an open mind and a willingness to explore and learn. There is no ‘right and wrong’ and this masterclass will teach you how to saturate into the uniqueness of your own being & learn ways in which to access higher parts of yourself.

Do I need to attend the live classes?

It is recommended that you do, so that you have the opportunity to ask any questions, however, you can still learn and understand everything by only watching the recordings.

Do I need to talk/have my camera on during the Masterclass?

It is completely your decision. Some will choose to be seen and to interact and others will attend without speaking or having their camera on, both are fine.

What is the cancellation/refund policy on this Masterclass?

We understand that ‘life’ happens, often in the most unexpected ways, so we do offer a full refund/credit note up to one week prior to the course start date, however, no refunds/credit notes will be issued after this date.

When will I receive my training booklet and certificate?

You will receive your training booklet one day prior to the training start date via e-mail. Your certificate will be e-mailed the day after the last training class.

What happens after I book this masterclass?

You will receive an e-mail which will container a welcome email, some instructions for the class and the 2 zoom links for the masterclass.

What happens after I book this masterclass?

I booked my spot but have not received an email? All e-mails come from, they can often go to the spam folder so please check there and then add it to your list of safe contacts. If you still have trouble, please contact us on and we will assist.

Book Your Spot