A Soul Plan Reading will be sent to you as a PDF booklet, typically between 16-17 pages long. It is intended to be read in quiet contemplation. Typically upon first reading the plan it can evoke feelings of ‘not being true’ at some level, particuarly the challenges, but keep going over it and take some time to meditate on the words and then you will see that this was perhaps just your own resistance to the truth. The plan is not intended to make you feel ‘negative’, in fact it is the opposite, it is intended to ’empower you’ through conscious awareness of self and through this plan you will also be shown your Talents. So, those ‘gifts’ that come naturally to you and how you can best make use of those in this lifetime, with many noting they had not viewed/been consciously aware that indeed these were ‘unique’/ ‘special’ talents bestowed upon them.  Below you will find some example pages of what will be detailed in your plan.

Content of Soul Plan

Soul Plan Overview

Detailing what a Soul Plan Reading actually is.

Origins of the Soul Plan

Detailing the Origins of Soul Plan Reading

Your Soul plan Analysis

Detailed below, is the image of how the Soul Plan is analysed, with the associated numbers and Frank Alpher Symbols.

Starting with the ‘Wordly Challenges’ and working clockwise we then start to analyse the vibration of each aspect on your chart. 

Wordly/Spiritual Challenges

These will usually be the areas that we need to ‘work on’, but not forgetting that our greatest ‘challenges’ can also be converted into our greatest strengths. It highlights:

  • The Vibration of the number and what this usually represents.
  • Health issues that may be associated with this number vibration.
  • How this number manifests in our relationships with others.
  • A Healing Affirmation.
  • Self Help methods to help ‘overcome’ our challenges.
Wordly/Spiritual Talents

Our ‘Talents’ are usually the aspects of our personality that we are ‘good at’ what comes ‘natural’ to us or as some may call our ‘gifts’. It highlights:

  • The vibration of the number and what this usually represents
  • How this number manifests in our relationship with others
  • Typical careers that will make best use of your talents.
Wordly/Spiritual Goals

In goals, you are ‘working towards’ the positive but may also experience some of the ‘challenges’. It highlights:

  • The vibration of the number and what this usually represents
  • A Healing Affirmation
  • How this number manifests in our relationships with others
  • Career GOALS
Soul Destiny 

This is the core essence of your vibration. Example as per below, it also highlights:

  • The vibration of the number and what this usually represents.
Soul Message

Not applicable to everyone, but if your reading has ‘repeating numbers throughout (4 or more of the same number), you will always have a Soul Message with your report.


Your plan will finish with a ‘synopsis’ which in essence is an overview of your entire plan and how this manifests in your life.

Purchase your soul plan reading here – giving up to 72 hours for delivery. Please remember to include your FULL name at BIRTH and an e-mail address for which you want the plan to go to.

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