Have you ever said to yourself “There has to be more than this to life?”, or maybe you’ve questioned why the same cycles keep repeating in your life, or perhaps its just a case of feeling like you never truly tap into the life that you really want? Well, me too, and those questions literally plagued me & in 2012 I began my inward journey into looking within myself for those answers. Through this container I will guide you on a journey towards the energy of your own souls calling, help you dissect and overcome your own fears & self sabotage and teach you the art of aligned, magical, manifesting, so that you too can live a life that you love.
This container is a profound leap into the bridging the gap between the life you are currently living and fully stepping into the life that you want.
Using a blend of intuitive energy work, psychology, self enquiry techniques, Reiki, NLP, Time Line Therapy and so much more!, you will be propelled into a world of understanding your own energy, knowing who you are and what it is you REALLY want. You will learn the most effective ways to preprogramme the sub conscious mind & energy body , quickly, easily and effectively to consciously create the life you want. In addition you will learn how to identify and transcend any fears, limiting beliefs, or self sabotaging behaviours that will resist this new you.
If you are ready to reclaim your power, take back conscious control of your life and align with your souls calling, this container is for you.
To become a master of conscious creating, we must first acknowledge where we are, understand how we got here, define what we are aiming for, and then work on aligning with that new self. The conscious creators container brings all these components together in a way that is easy to follow, integrate & understand, and once mastered, helps you take back control of your destiny.
The intention of all of my work is to show you the power within yourself that you may see and acknowledge it and then let your light inspire others. – Janet Gracey
Conscious Creators Container is LIVE on 10th April.

Each Week Includes:
- A recorded master class pertaining to the weekly module.
- Tools, techniques, activities to propel you forward with your own self enquiry.
- A mid week motivational update to inspire, create internal shifts, and align you.
- Live group call to ask questions, collate our energy, open up space for you to flourish (these will also be recorded and sent via a zoom link to those who are unable to attend the lives).
- Bespoke Reiki session intended to aid in releasing any stagnancy in your energy field.
- Access to mentorship throughout the duration of the container with myself via live chat.
- GOAL setting and defined actions towards your desired future state.
Weekly Overview:
Week 1: Alchemy & Acceptance
This week we will focus on ‘your life to date’. Delving deep into the energy of your life, exploring any themes, patterns, cycles & looking at ways in which your past has defined your sense of self in the now. Its a week of saturating in self acceptance in this moment, & once seen, using the power of your inner alchemist to transmute any imbalances.
Week 2 : The tunnel of change
Defining where you want to go in life and more importantly why, is fundamental to conscious manifesting. This week we define how your life will look without limitations, what your wildest dreams are and then bridging the gap between the energy of now, and the energy you wish to attain. You will also learn the art of understanding if these things are being sought from the calling of the soul, or the desires of the ego and how this impacts your overall motivation and manifesting powers.
Week 3: Embodiment
Our alignment is found from within, as a frequency, a state of being and when accessed consciously, it literally gives you the power to control your entire world. This week will help you shift timelines and propel reality by showing you how to transcend your current personal experience and fully embody the new experience you wish to attain.
Week 4: Eliminating Sabotage
To attain what we desire we have to also look at what outdated parts of our self, keep us back from that out of fear. This is usually from old conditioning and past experiences that fundamentally shape who we are in this moment in time. This week strips back your deepest fears & beliefs, teaching you how to identify them, the root of the issue and how to use them as a tool of self empowerment to transcend any experience.
Week 5: Conscious Creator
The final week pulls together the power of the previous 4 weeks, highlighting the flow of ‘magical manifesting’, knowing when and how to take the right steps in life and teaching the healing power of balancing the masculine and feminine energies within to create a life of your deepest desires. This week will assist you in flowing with the magic and mystery of life and ultimately how to master self.
Conscious Creators is LIVE – 10th April 2022!
Bookings made up to an including the 31st March 2022 will include a personalised energy reading/ healing to prepare and activate your energy to fully utilize this container.
If you would like to ask more questions about this container you can contact me on consciouscreators@janetgracey.com (I will respond so please check your spam folders)

The total exchange for this container is £600 for the entire 5 week programme. You have the following payment options to book your spot:
Option 1:
Pay in full today; £600
Option 2:
Pay in 2 bi-weekly* instalments; £300 (first instalment and then two weeks later the second instalment)
Option 3:
Pay in 2 monthly* instalments; £300 (first instalment and then one month later the second instalment)
Payments can be made via PayPal, Vimeo, Cashapp or for those in the UK bank transfer. Please send an e-mail to consciouscreators@janetgracey.com for more information on the payment plans and payment methods.