Week 3: Stepping into the subconscious mind
Masterclass: Week 3
Homework: Week 3
Assessment of Behaviours
To truly understand how you were impacted in a negative sense from your childhood, simply ask yourself;
What behaviours do I have now that are problematic?
Take your time to really ponder this question and write down everything that you can think of. During the week, you can also use this question frequently and naturally notice if anything else transpires from the week ahead that you can also write down and include. Some examples of answers to this question could be “Ive never any money”, “I always end up with the wrong partners”, “I don’t feel like I am living my purpose”, “I tend to run away instead of speaking my truth”.
Once you have that list then start going through it and asking yourself for each one:
Did I learn this behaviour from my Primary Caregivers?
This answer can be a yes or no. If its a yes, ponder on how the caregiver demonstrated that behaviour.
The next question then to ask yourself is:
Did this behaviour help keep me safe when I was young?
Again, this is just a yes or no. If a yes. ponder on times when you used this behaviour to protect self.
The final question to ask yourself then is;
Do I still use this behaviour now as a way to protect myself?
Again, this will be a yes or no answer. If yes, ponder how you have used that behaviour in your current life to protect yourself.
All these questions have been carefully curated to help you step deeper into your own subconscious. At this stage, this is purely answering the questions from a place of self awareness, so you don’t need to go any deeper than just being “aware”, if any bigger emotions do arise from this task, you can utilise the breath work tool in our healing session for this week.
Core beliefs:
What was your primary caregivers core beliefs about;
- Money
- Relationships
- Religion
- Society as a whole
- What life is about
(If you had more than one caregiver present please do this for all of them).
As a child, what did you believe about;
- Money
- Relationships
- Religion
- Society as a whole
- What life is about
General questions:
- In 3 words how would other people have described you as a child?
- In 3 words, how would you have described yourself as a child.
- What was your ‘talent’ as a child.
- What did you wish you could change as a child and why?
- What did you believe your limitations where as a child?
- Who did you ‘want to be’ as a child and why.
- If you met a genie with a magic lamp as a child, and he offered you three wishes, what would you have wished for?
Generational questions:
- In your family lineage, are there any ‘patterns’ that you see?
- Does your family have any health or mental problems?
- If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
- What did you see as ‘normal’ as child within your family that may have seen ‘abnormal’ as an adult (if anything).
- In a sentence define your family and its dynamics.
Healing Session: Week 3
This little breath work exercise is an excellent tool to carry with you on your inward journey. It can be utilised anywhere, at any time and it is also a powerful way to calm down, be more in control of your emotions and to dispel heavier energies from your own body.